Having missed out on seeing Waxwings (Bombycilla garrulus) on several occasions in the last couple of years, I had a free morning and thought I'd follow various sightings mentioned on Twitter (e.g. from Matt - @mostlyscarce, thanks!) - and head to North Camp railway station on the Surrey/Hants border.
Earlier in the day, around 28 had been spotted, so I was pleased to see about 40 fly into a nearby tree...
In smaller groups, they then proceeded to head down towards the red berries, where they were greeted with a clatter of shutter releases from the long-lens crowd that had gathered. As well as the 'classic' shot of berry-in-mouth, I also tried to get some with a simple composition and/or flying.
The waxwings would often fly-off and not be seen for over 30 minutes, but during these times, I was also lucky enough to find a couple of Roe deer, as well as a Redwing.
You can click on the photos below to see them slightly larger.
Feel free to follow me on Twitter (@UK_Richard) and/or 'like' my Facebook page.
All photos taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark III
, Canon EF 70-200mm F/2.8 L IS II
and 1.4x teleconverter.
Earlier in the day, around 28 had been spotted, so I was pleased to see about 40 fly into a nearby tree...
In smaller groups, they then proceeded to head down towards the red berries, where they were greeted with a clatter of shutter releases from the long-lens crowd that had gathered. As well as the 'classic' shot of berry-in-mouth, I also tried to get some with a simple composition and/or flying.
The waxwings would often fly-off and not be seen for over 30 minutes, but during these times, I was also lucky enough to find a couple of Roe deer, as well as a Redwing.
You can click on the photos below to see them slightly larger.
Feel free to follow me on Twitter (@UK_Richard) and/or 'like' my Facebook page.
All photos taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark III
great shots!